BRIGHTON, Colo. – Ulrich Dahm, a 67-year-old coach from an Aurora school, has now been accused of sexually assaulting a student. The 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office has indicated that Dahm has been charged for these claims.
Sadly, this case is now even wider because he has officially been charged with crimes on account of an allegation that he sexually assaulted students at Aurora West College Preparatory Academy that falls under Aurora Public Schools (APS). As per claims, Dahm is to be presumed guilty of these offenses between 6th September 2024 and 7th February 2025.
Investigation and Charges
As the arrest affidavit was sealed to maintain the victim’s confidentiality, the intricacies of the case are mostly undisclosed. Nevertheless, prosecutors verified that the charges originated from a particular situation with a minor who was under Dahm’s coaching supervision.
The 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office did not confirm whether others have come forward as victims or if the authorities suspect there are other possible victims. Revealed details state that law enforcement agencies have not provided specifics regarding the circumstances of the alleged assault.
As per available court records, he has appointed a public defender, and there has not been a scheduling of his tentative first hearing yet.
School District and Community Response
Aurora Public Schools has refrained from making any public comments about Dahm’s arrest and current employment within the district. Officials from APS will speak on it when further details are disclosed.
Allegations of impropriety by those working in schools invite questions about the adequacy of background checks and student welfare procedures. It is unknown if Dahm has had prior complaints or other forms of disciplinary action against him while employed at Aurora West College Preparatory Academy.
Many parents and others in the community have expressed surprise and concern, wanting more direct answers from the school district on the matter.
Next Steps in the Legal System
If convicted, Dahm will face serious legal consequences. Sexual assault of a child is a felony in Colorado, which means Dahm will face serious prison time, mandatory sex offender registration, and a multitude of barriers to employment.
The evidence was enough to get the charge approved in the district court, and the prosecutors will make their case. Following the scheduled arraignment, Dahm will be able to enter a plea.
Anyone with relevant information, please come forward. Any students or members of the community who may know something can get in touch with law enforcement or with the special victims unit of the Aurora Police Department.
Call for Awareness and Vigilance
Many of these parents are also choosing to actively teach their children about boundaries regarding how empowered adults can and cannot behave toward them. They stress that there should be no ambiguity regarding the roles of staff and children in the school setting.
Community advocates highlight the importance of documenting suspected misconduct on time by instructing school personnel and coaches to report to the authorities.
Where Are We Now?
Dahm will remain in the system with open legal status until something changes once his court dates approach. The staff of the District Attorney’s Office will most likely cooperate with law enforcement to gather what they need, and the defendant’s counsel will be working on developing the needed legal documents.
As the case continues, there will be more comments from the Aurora Public Schools and the district attorney’s office.
Anyone with information related to the case can contact law enforcement or the Aurora Police Department.